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Joined on 08/Sep

Natalie's Childminding

As a previous Nursery Manager, 16years experience in Early Years, and 3 of my ow...

Category: Childminder,
Joined on 08/Sep

Harrow Childminder

My name is Vicki Peirson and I'm a registered Ofsted childminder living in Rayne...

Category: Childminder,
Joined on 07/Sep

Little Explorers Childcare

I am a qualified OFSTED registered Childcare Provider with nearly 12 years of ch...

Category: Childminder,
Joined on 03/Sep

Tiny Angels Childminder

I'm a mother of 4 and a grandmother of six - 4 granddaughters and 2 grandsons. I...

Category: Childminder,
Joined on 03/Sep

Junior Caterpillars

OFSTED registered First Aid Trained Follow EYFS Framework Record of achievement ...

Category: Childminder,

Natalie's Childminding

  • Category: Childminder,
  • Natalie's Childminding also have:

As a previous Nursery Manager, 16years experience in Early Years, and 3 of my own children, I can't wait to put my knowledge and experience into practice in (and out of!) my own home. I have a great outdoor space complete with climbing frame and playhouse, and live locally to Fryern Recreational Ground and Chandlers Ford Library. I can do school drop offs and pick ups to Fryern Infants and Juniors school, Little Gems pre-school and the potential for other local pre-school/nursery drop offs too. I am a Mum of 2 daughters, with another baby on the way in August. Please contact me for more information


A home from home Childminding service. A previous Nursery Manager with 16 years experience in early years. I am fully qualified, with Safeguarding training, Paediatric First Aid and Foundation Degree in Early Years.


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